This is what I wore during our Day Away at The Greenery! :)

My Nanay got me a swimsuit but my pedia didn’t allow me to swim. Poor me. She said pools are dirty (especially public pools) so babies are not supposed to swim yet. :( There are tons of bacteria and viruses that I might get so better be on the safe side. And my Tatay, upon hearing this, was very firm – no swimming for me until I’m 1! :’(

So Tatay, Nanay and I just spend our day lounging at the pool side and did tons of photo ops. :) I love this lounge chairs by the way. I’ll ask Nanay to buy us one. :) *ehem*ehem*

How do you like my swimsuit? I know! I’m very wholesome. Tatay didn’t want to buy me a bikini just yet so we opted for this tankini set. :) I think I could use this even at home. It’s sooo comfy! Plus Nanay got this one ON SALE! When she saw the price tag – she just bought it. Perfect Nanay! Just perfect!
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