Hello everybody! *wave*wave*
It’s Good Friday. No malls. No meat. No TV (alright, I still do watch Baby TV from time to time especially if Nanay’s not around. Hihih! Sorry Nanay!). Nanay was telling me that this is the season to reflect. To think of our bad ways and repent. Well, I’m a baby. I’m always nice and I’m overflowing with goodness. So I pray for my Nanay and Tatay’s sins instead. I pray that they’d continue being the best parent that they are. Yes, they are not perfect, especially in the eyes of our Lord but what’s important is that they are loved and saved by our Savior.
I know I’ve been MIA for a while. I let my Nanay do my #OOTB posts because she’s doing stuff on this blog. Just the itsy bitsy. To make your viewing experience a pleasure. I think I am very much like Nanay on that aspect. Perfectionist. But I love how the blog turned out. I hope you did notice the changes though. It took her weeks to finish it. And a lot of code changes. In between running after her toddler (aka ME) and breastfeeding.
So what’s up with me? Well, I now love walking. I love love LOVE walking. But I am still a bit afraid to walk on my own. I can’t find my balance. I don’t know if it’s because of my tiny feet (I got it from Nanay too) or because I am just plain scared. Nanay kept on telling me that I can do it. I believe her of course and I know that she’ll be there when I fall so I am now slowly trying. I did 3 mini-steps already, to my Tatay’s delight.
I also can go down from the bed on my own now. Yehey! And stand up. And sit. I always bless on Nanay everytime she’d come home from work and would shower her with sloppy kisses. She loves them.
What else? Hmmm.. I had a haircut a couple of weeks back. My Mommy Malony cut my hair. Harhar! But I guess she cut it a bit too short. I end up having “vertical layers” aka BUNOT. Much to my Tatay’s dismay. But my hair grew fast. Nanay can now tie it up. I think I would love to have long locks in the future. Can’t wait.
And oh! I am testing my Nanay’s patience lately coz I always sleep late. Well, I really want to play and play and play some more. I know I’m supposed to sleep but I really want to play with my toys and I want to practice my walking. I want to tickle with Nanay. I want to kiss Toto Boi. I want to play with Cupcake. But I can see that Nanay’s not liking it. Every morning, she’d wake up with a bad case of headache and huge eye bags. But she still has to get up for work. Poor Nanay.
I guess that’s all. :)
Now, I am showing you one of my #OOTBs. I wore it on that day we’re supposed to go to an event but got stuck in traffic. I now look so much like a toddler.

When: 21 March 2015
Where: Microsoft Event and Robinson’s Ermita
What: White with Tiny Polka Dot Longsleeved Onesie: H&M | Soft Pants: F&X | Shoes: Enfant | Hair Clip: Random #FabSkye #FabSkyeOOTD
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